Svitlana Chornomaz

‘Floral world and floral way’ of Svetlana Chernomaz

A festive wonderful world opens to our eyes in the works of a skilled artist Svetlana Chernomaz. Svetlana converted her favourite genre – a floral still life – into ‘living pictures’ embroidered with silk ribbons. Svetlana’s flowers radiate light and fragrance, swing in the wind and are filled up with vital energy, go beyond the picture frames towards the spectator, transforming his space into a blossoming garden. ‘My pictures are different’, says the artist, ‘some of them are bright like a flaming fire, they cheer up and charge with an amazing energy, the others are full of a light melancholy and seem to enveil with peace and harmony, in each picture I am extremely honest and sincere’. Svetlana’s literally sculpted flowers (like 3D-printer) are a kind of ‘sculptural art’, which can be viewed from different angles in order to enjoy the relief. The artist’s creative work combines national distinctness with European artistic tradition of ribbon embroidery of the 17th-18th centuries, when ribbon embroidery was considered to be a high-class embroidery, i.e. the embroidery of a noble and even of a royal style. The beginnings of ribbon embroidery go back to French kings. The masterpieces of silk ribbon embroidery are kept up to now in the best world museums.
Svetlana is the winner of international ribbon embroidery contests. Her first personal exhibition took place in 2017 in the art gallery ‘Luxury’ in Odessa, Ukraine. In each exhibited work one can see Svetlana’s individual style, her expression, joy of life, personal charisma. ‘I am happy as the flowers entrust their dreams and feelings to me and I just transfer their wise formula of happiness to YOU, which implies giving beauty and kindness to people’, says the artist Svetlana Chernomaz.

What do the floral compositions of Svetlana Chernomaz mean? Her silk paintings express the wish to create harmony between a man and the surrounding world, to calm down his thoughts, to heal his soul. The main thing is to find the right flower. All 12 months of the war I am in Odessa and I help those who went through hell. The war has completely changed my
life. I know for sure that until my last breath I will do good for my Ukraine.


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