Nataliya Zozulya

Kingston-based artist Nataliya Zozulya started working as a figurative painter when she graduated from National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in Kiev, Ukraine.

She used to work with Eric Rimmington when her family moved to London in 2001.

During her career as a professional artist, Nataliya completed a number of projects each having a distinct theme: her early subtle figurative paintings explored femininity, later bright bold canvasses depicted the impressions from her travels to North Africa and South East. Nataliya uses muffled, reserved colours in her series of London cityscapes, portraying the city void of the immediate physical presence of people. She continues to express her love to the great city in her intricate and unique digital collages, full of vibrancy and sound of the crowd, printed on canvas and hand finished with sprays and acrylic.

Apart from the landscape, Nataliya’s other favourite genre is portraiture. She likes the challenge to try to capture not only the exact likeness of the sitters but also their character and a sense of their inner being. Also she likes technical side of the oil painting, and often mixing different techniques, going from the thin layers to coarse, spontaneous impasto, working with palette knives to meet the demands of the project. Nataliya is a member of Richmond Art Society, The Fountain Gallery Artists Association, Chelsea Art Club. She held numerous successful solo and group shows in UK, exhibition in Mall Galleries, and abroad.

Instagram: @Nataliya Zozulya

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