Evgenia Osmani

Evgenia is an artist from Kyiv, Ukraine working and living in London, UK. Evgenia first showed interest in art during her childhood years before she even learned to write. But the constraints of life in Ukraine didn’t let the creative spirit flourish. It was only after graduating with a law degree, Evgenia left Kyiv for London and was given time and freedom to contemplate what to do next. In London, Evgenia graduated from University of The Arts London (LCC) with a degree in Graphic Design.

After that Evgenia worked for one of the world’s leading advertising agencies Grey Worldwide as a graphic designer, as well as illustrator in fashion industry and for print. In graphic design, illustration was always something that attracted her the most. And eventually illustration took Evgenia to where it all began – painting.

After meeting a fine artist Olga Brown, Evgenia started taking lessons in Olga Brown‘s studio. Sometime later Evgenia also met an accomplished artist Natalia Zozulya, in whose studio she started studying in 2017.

Nataliya Zozulya gave Evgenia formal understanding of classical approach to painting and foundations of fine art. Evgenia is a member of Richmond Art Society and Islington Art Society and is exhibiting in London regularly.

Evgenia specialises in oil painting and her main focus at the moment is portraiture. The favourite artists are: John Singer Sargent, Joaquin Sorolla



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