Anastasiia Orlova

Orlova Anastasiia Sergeevna
She was born on February 22, 1995 in the Ozirna village. Cherkasy region.
Contemporary Ukrainian artist. Works in different genres, styles and techniques of contemporary art, among other things – in the areas of monumental art and icon painting.

• Private studios (Kyiv, 2017-2022)
• Odessa Theological Seminary, Department of Iconography (2016)
• Poltava Missionary Theological Seminary, Icon Painting Department (2011-2016)
• Studio at the Central House of Artists (Kyiv, 2002-2005)
• Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
department of psychology and sociology, extramural form (2018-2022)
• Republican Art School (Kyiv, 2004) Participation in exhibitions
• Exhibition “Kyiv Recreations” (gallery “Khlebnya”, 2017)
• All-Ukrainian exhibitions (Central House of Artists, Kyiv, 2017)
• Exhibition of paintings in the gallery at the Church of St. Basil the Great (Kyiv, 2013)
• Personal exhibition “Native” (gallery Kalita art club) 2017
• Participation in plein-airs Pereyaslav, Shatsky lakes, (Ukraine, 2012–2017)
• Personal exhibition 2020
“Trees and Sky” (Boris Oleinik Cultural Foundation)
Works are kept in private collections in Ukraine and abroad

So far, we have only shadows left, and only a shadow remains of us too.
Only memories of a past life and the understanding that the way it was before will never be.
This is everything that is in my soul. When I left my house, my whole life had to fit in one suitcase, instead of clothes in my suitcase were my paintings, the most expensive and most valuable thing I have.

Now I live in Sheffield.
I want to show for everyone how beautiful is Ukrainian nature and how powerful and strong our people.
I give a piece of myself to each canvas and believe that it works, there is no blood and horror of war on my canvases, but I know how many people shed tears looking at the blue sky and sunflowers.

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